Sunday, August 12, 2012

Review: A Halflings Rescue by Heather Burch (Halflings #1.5)

Title: A Halflings Rescue by Heather Burch
Published: July 2nd, 2012 by Zondervan
Source: Free for Kindle
Format: eBook
Challenge(s): eBook
Grade rate: A

In this free illustrated short story from the popular Halflings series by Heather Burch, Nikki and the Halflings team intercept important information regarding the kidnapping of Hollywood's hottest teen celebrity, Mandy Mosen. Will they be able come to the young starlet's aide in time, or is Mandy's fifteen minutes of fame about to end? Includes a bonus first chapter from Guardian, the next full novel in the Halflings series!

My Review

This will be a short review, as this is a very short (but good) story. 

I think the synopsis makes a pretty good job of summing up what the story is about.  The Halflings find out that a hot actress and many of her famous friends have been invaded in her home by villains asking for ransom money.  With a little prompting Will agrees to let them help the teenagers. 

They all go and rescue the teens trapped in the basement and then take the attackers one by one, saving the day!  I love the pictures in the story and with my new Kindle Fire I was able to really enjoy them.

I can’t wait to get started with Guardian, book #2 of the series.

Did you read Halflings?  Do your like books about angels?  Which one is your favorite?

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