Thursday, August 29, 2013

Discussion: Live with a Non-Reader

It has been said many times that opposites attract.  I’m a firm believer in this old saying as there is no better example than hubby and me.  But as this is a book blog I won’t bore you with details of our marriage of 21 years (and counting! Something must be working, right?).  Instead let me tell you what it’s like is to live with a non-reader:


He falls asleep within minutes of reading ANYTHING!
I DON’T fall asleep because I’m reading.
Buying a book is an expense
Buying a book is a necessity.

Can’t understand why I need sped so much money by going to BEA
Can’t wait to go to BEA!
Does not step into a bookstore or library by his own volition. EVER.
Can spend hours in both, really, HOURS…
If mommy is not available, he makes his older children read to the youngest one (just so HE doesn’t have to do it)
One of the best things of my day :)
Complains about how many books are all over the house.  He thought that getting me a Kindle will solved that problem.
Poor deluded soul!  One can NEVER have too many books.
Cannot understand why I would get so excited by meeting an author, after all they don’t play football.
Authors, as we all know, are Rockstars!!!
Doesn’t understand what I’m doing sitting in front of a computer for hours for free
I have to talk to somebody about books.
Counts the total number of pages before he starts reading (and bemoans the number left every five minutes)
The number of pages in a book is inconsequential, as long as the book is good.
Supports my book addiction

Do you think that opposites attract? Do you have a non-reader in your life? What else would you add to my table?


  1. My husband didn't read at all when I met him. But being a witness of my obsession, he got interested. Unfortunately, he always fell asleep when I read out loud (because my voice is so soft... he says). So, he started reading on his own.
    Now, he reads about a book a month which is already a great improvement for him.

    Johanna @ ChallengingReads

    1. I wish that was the case! I used to read to him when we were in high school just so he passed his classes :)

  2. Lol! So true, except that I hate reading out loud because silent reading is faster!

  3. My hubby is a non-reader too. I would add one thing to your list, he looks at me like I have lost my mind when I talk to, yell at, or sob over my books. He also thinks its weird that I touch or stroke my new books and smell them. But he will, without complaint, purchase and put together yet another bookshelf when it's time for one. That's the important thing!

    1. So right! He just told me the other day that we need another one. And does think I'm crazy when I laugh out loud.

  4. I love this! My hubby is also a non-reader. He only reads magazines. I always get the "are you done with the lamp?" question and then I hide under the covers with a smaller light lol

    Julie @ Chapter Break

    1. Mine can't even stand the nigh-light, I read the Kindle or iPad and turned the illumination down

  5. Sometimes I make mine read out loud to me when I dont feel good, but he hates that and hates reading. He has agreed to listen to books on tape, though. Thats progress!

    1. I can't manage mine to listen to a book, he says that cheating!

  6. Lol - I have one of those spouses too, but since he likes video games and I don' - things kind of balance out.


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